STATEMENT: “My work explores the illusion of digital identity and the duality of self-objectification. As a performance artist, I use sound, video, and images to create an atmosphere that expresses visceral memory of the psyche and digital landscape. By using my body as a vehicle for experimentation, I invite spectators to confront the blurred lines of reality and representation. I am heavily influenced by discourse on psychoanalysis, simulacra, and objectification theory.”
PAST: Conceptual photo series (four photos) for “Embrace” Exhibition at Maake Projects, an art gallery in Pennsylvania. Collaboration with filmmaker Tavis Northam. Dates: 7/17/21-8/21/21
VIDEO ART: ‘Retrogressus’ was a process-driven psychoanalytic exploration that I created, directed, and acted in. Shot in my childhood home, I edited the short, overlaying video with audio of my parents talking to me when I was a baby and toddler.